Some ui fixes
Show opponent name in title.
A language fix.
Clear legal move squares when tapping outside of the board.
Removed link to Chess Time Live to conform to Ad Policy
Login issue fix
Added %win / %loss in opponent and account view
Updated to latest library
Added chat report
Thank you for playing Chess Time
Crash fix
Better showing of Claim Draw on ThreeFold repetition
Some UI Fixes
Fix Flag for Congo
Updated to latest build version
Bug fixes
Thank you for playing Chess Time
Bug Fixes
Thank you for playing Chess Time
Bug Fixes
Thank you for playing Chess Time
IMPORTANT FIX: Fix for missing game move.
Option setting to remove the Chess Time Live Link
added Link to Chess Time Live
Minor bug fix
Update to Italian language
removed advertiser
Thank you for playing Chess Time
Bug fixes
Thank you for playing Chess Time
Bug fixes
Thank you for playing Chess Time
Bug fixes
Thank you for playing Chess Time.
bug fixes
Thank you for playing Chess Time
bug fixes
Invite by player update,
bug fixes
Italian language changes
Italian language changes - donated by a Chess Time Player
Bug fixes
Added Age verification to conform with app store policies
Added confirmation for Draw acceptance
Membership Subscriptions
* No Advertisements
* Increases number of active games
* Member leaderboard
* Member Invitations
* Automatic daily pgn emails available
Membership Subscriptions
* No Advertisements
* Increases number of active games
* Member leaderboard
* Member Invitations
* Automatic daily pgn emails available
Ukrainian language
Bug fixes
Bug fixes and minor improvements. Thanks for playing Chess Time!
fixed bug in move save when analyzer tapped if reverse prompt is on
bug fixes
Rating graph by year
Right handed mode, swap the accept move buttons
Invitations for games now support option for not allowing the Analyzer feature for that game.
bug fixes
Three fold change
Completed games show the opponent rating as it was at game completion.
Mark games as a favorite to create a favorite list.
Bug fixes
GDPR Advertising, Nudge action for slow players
Notification configuration screen changes for Oreo
Notification issue fix
Email is optional, change UI to reflect that,
removed analytics
bug fix
Italian language changes
Move preview screen fix
Invitation popup fix showing incorrect stats when multiple invitations in the game list
Flag enhancement and country names for w1, e1, s1
Now showing the Opponents Country name along with the flag in the opponent information screen.
minor changes
Minor bug fixes based on crash reports
minor fix for guest account to named account
Analyze flip board will not unflip on reset
Remove notification icon fix, added coordinate option for analyzer
Added Rotate board for Analyzer
>> Fix for En Passant in analyzer bug created in last updateFix for Leaderboard on old devicesGuest accounts back again>> Guest Account change
bug fixes
Minor bug fixes based on crash reports